About the Journal
Table of contents
About the Journal
Aim & Scope
Article types
Publishing Schedule
Editorial Policies
Peer Review Policy
Turn-around time
Open Access Policy
Publication Fee
Journal Indexing and Metrics
About the Journal
The Evidence is a multidisciplinary, open-access, peer-reviewed online journal. It is published by the Evidence Journals, an independent team of professionals with the support of expert editors, authors, and reviewers. The Evidence publishes trusted content, spreads significant research, and facilitates the open exchange of insight and information in academic and scientific fields.
The Evidence promotes the advancement of clinical practice and health policy with the goal of improving health outcomes of individuals and communities at a regional and global scale.
The Evidence publishes original articles, critical evidence-based reviews, secondary evidence such as systematic reviews, technology assessments, and brief research in the fields of health sciences research, including but not limited to Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Pharmacology, Community Medicine, Public Health, Environmental Health, Health Economics, Medical Education, Nursing, Artificial Intelligence, Research Methodology and Evidence synthesis.
Article types
All articles are assigned a type, depending on the content of the article. This is useful to readers, informing them of the style of content to expect and for indexing services when applying filters to search results. The Evidence publishes the following article types, with word limits in the main text:
Research Article: up to 4000 words
Review: up to 5000 words
Theory and Methods: up to 5000 words
Perspectives: up to 3000 words
Editorials (Solicited): up to 1000 words
The word limits are exclusive of the tables and references. For detailed guidelines, click here
Publishing Schedule
The Evidence operates under a continuous publication model so that articles are published online as soon as they are ready and as quickly as possible. Accepted articles will be promptly published online upon completion of the peer review and production processes.
OnlineFirst is a feature offered through Evidence journal platform. It allows final revision articles (completed articles in queue for assignment to an upcoming issue) to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final print and online journal issue. This feature may be called publish ahead of print, latest articles, articles in press, publish before print, or continuous publishing, depending on the publisher. Note that articles published to OnlineFirst are considered fully published and citable.
Our Policies
Editorial Policies
The Evidence endorses and applies the standards and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), to ensure the rigorousness of the review and publication process. The detailed editorial ethics can be found here.
Peer Review Policy
The Evidence adopts a single-blind peer review model. All accepted articles (except for some Editorials released by the Editors) have undergone a rigorous and thorough review process to evaluate their novelty, originality, scientific content, academic integrity, etc. Check here for the outcome of the Peer Review process.
Turn-around time
Submission till first decision (Sent for review or Editorial rejection): 2 days
Time taken for Peer review: 15-20 days
Acceptance to Publication (Online First): 2-5 days
Open Access Policy
The Evidence applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to works we publish. Under this license, authors retain the copyright to their work and grant permission for anyone, anywhere in the world to read, share, and reuse these articles, as long as the author and original source are properly cited. See Open Access.
Publication Fee
To attract high-quality submissions and relieve the financial burden for researchers, The Evidence currently provides authors with a free publication service, and the journal is wholly financed by the Society "Global Center for Evidence Synthesis". Authors are not charged for submission, processing, and/or publication.
As a member of ORCID, The Evidence uses a persistent identifier (ORCID iD) that distinguishes researchers through a mechanism for linking their research results to solve the problem of systematic researcher name confusion in academic literature and can improve the process of scientific discovery and increase the efficiency of funding and cooperation.
Journal Indexing and Metrics
We recognise that there are many measures of a journal's performance. The Evidence is currently indexed by the following abstracting and indexing services:
- Crossref
- Google Scholar
Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note
Evidence Journals make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "content") contained in our publications. However, the publisher Evidence Journals, our agents (including the editor, any member of the editorial team or editorial board, and any guest editors), and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by the Evidence Journals. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. The Evidence Journals shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to, or arising out of the use of the content.